Disability Services FAQ

Disability Letters and Specialist Referrals

A disability letter is an official document that outlines your diagnosed disability, its clinical symptoms, and the impact it has on your daily life and academic performance. It is often required by colleges or universities to provide reasonable accommodations or support services to students with disabilities.

Disability letters should be written by healthcare professionals who are qualified to diagnose and treat the specific disability in question. These professionals may include medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, neuro-developmental specialists, or other relevant specialists.

Yes, it is essential to provide any relevant medical records, test results, or previous evaluations to your SHC provider or specialist. These documents can help them gain a comprehensive understanding of your condition and make an informed diagnosis.

During a consultation with your SHC provider, you can expect a thorough evaluation of your condition. They will likely ask you about your medical history, symptoms, and review any records of previous diagnoses or treatments. They may conduct specific assessments or tests to gather additional information to make an accurate diagnosis.

If your provider is unable to write a disability letter, it may be because they lack expertise in the specific area of your disability. In such cases, they may recommend that you seek a consultation with a specialist who has a deeper understanding of your condition.

You should consider seeing a specialist if your SHC Provider suggests it or if your condition falls within the expertise of a particular field. For example, if you suspect you have a learning disability, a neuro-developmental specialist or educational psychologist may be better equipped to evaluate and diagnose your condition.

Your SHC provider can usually provide you with a referral to a specialist who specializes in the specific disability or condition you are concerned about. The evaluation process can vary depending on the availability of specialists and the complexity of your condition. It may involve multiple appointments, assessments, and consultations. The timeframe can range from a few weeks to several months, so it's advisable to start the process well in advance.

Once you receive a diagnosis from your SHC provider/specialist, it is important to discuss your options with them. They may provide you with a detailed report or disability letter outlining your diagnosis, clinical symptoms, and recommendations for accommodations or support services. You can then submit this documentation to your college's disability support services for further assistance.

The DSC provides accommodation as deemed appropriate for temporary disabilities due to injuries, however they do require documentation from a provider. The most frequently seen injuries include breaks/sprains to the feet, hand/arm injuries, and concussions.