COVID-19 Information and Updates

To comply with the current UC Immunization Policy, all UCI students (new and returning) are required to receive the most recent COVID-19 Vaccine, available after August 22, 2024. All previously received COVID-19 vaccines, Bivalent Boosters, and Internationally received vaccines will NOT qualify, and your status will be Non-compliant in your Student Health Portal.

Click below for more information:

For those students with a medical or other reason not to receive the NEW COVID-19 vaccine, there is a declination process now in place


  • Early symptoms may be nonspecific, such as:
    • Fever, body aches or chills, scratchy throat
    • Mild stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea
    • Loss of appetite, loss of smell
    • For more - CDC COVID-19 Sxs
  • People who have symptoms should stay home, wear a mask, and get tested, and contact their healthcare provider for advice.
    • Students with UC SHIP should contact the Student Health Center at 949-824-5304 to schedule an appointment with a provider.
    • Students without the UC SHIP insurance plan should contact their own Primary Care Provider for clinical issues and support.
    • After-hours & Emergency Care
  1. Notify your Primary Care Provider so that they are aware and may recommend specific care based on your personal medical history. Follow up for any worsening symptoms or concerns that may develop.
  2. Stay home if you have symptoms, until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND symptoms are improving.​
  • ​​​​​​​​​If you do not have symptoms, you should follow the recommendations below to reduce exposure to others.
  1. Avoid contact with others, especially people at higher-risk 
    • This includes the elderly
    • Those who live in congregate care facilities
    • Those who have immunocompromising conditions
  2. If you are a UCI student employee, check with your supervisor regarding the specific details about when to return to work.
  3. If you are a Health Science student (Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy) on rotation at the Medical Center, see Return to Clinical Rotation guidelines below.


There are currently no masking requirements on campus, however mask wearing may be an especially good precaution for anyone who is at higher risk for getting very sick from respiratory illnesses, has a history of breathing/lung issues, or has environmental exposures.  ​Click here for the recommended CDPH masking guidelines.

Health Science students (Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy) on rotation at the Medical Center are required to follow the masking guidelines below.

Health Science students on clinical rotation are considered Healthcare personnel and should follow recommendations as set forth in AFL 25-01 (

  • Notify your supervisor of your symptoms and do not go to the clinical site.
  • Review the document linked HERE and follow the guidelines as appropriate.
  • Ensure that you meet all criteria before returning to your clinical rotation.

               * Proof of Negative Testing is no longer required


Although weekly COVID-19 testing is no longer required, at-home COVID-19 kits allow you to collect samples and detect active COVID-19 infections early in the disease.   
Students, faculty, and staff can pick up rapid antigen at-home test kits free of charge while supplies last, at the:

  •  UC Irvine Student Health Center:

            Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
            Hours: Saturday 9 am – 3 pm (during the academic year)


The purpose of the UCOP Vaccination policy is to facilitate protection of the health and safety of the University community, including its patients as well as its Students, Personnel and all others who work, live, and/or learn in any of the University’s Locations or otherwise participate in person in University Programs.


The University strongly recommends that all members of the University community follow vaccine recommendations adopted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) applicable to their age, medical condition, and other relevant indications.