Eligibility and Payment for Services

Registered UC Irvine Students

All registered UC Irvine students are eligible for services available through Student Health Center. No payment is required at the time of service. All registered students have campus billing accounts maintained by UCI Financial Services. Charges incurred at Student Health are billed directly to the student’s Zot Account. Student account balances can be viewed using Zot Account Online

Non-Registered Students* & Campus Affiliates

*Non-registered students include the following: 

  1. Students who have voluntarily withdrawn from the University;
  2. Students who have been involuntarily disenrolled by the University;
  3. Students who have graduated;
  4. Students on an Approved Leave of Absence;
  5. Students on Filing Fee Status;
  6. Students on Planned Educational Leave (PELP);
  7. Students enrolled in Division of Continuing Education courses;

In general, non-registered students are ineligible to receive services at SHC with certain exceptions. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the University and students who are involuntarily disenrolled by the University ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to receive services at SHC under any circumstances. However, if these students voluntarily withdraw or are involuntarily disenrolled by the University on or after the first day of the term and they were enrolled in UC SHIP, they will remain covered by UC SHIP insurance for the duration of the term. SHC Insurance Services department will assist these students in locating in-network providers near their place of residence since they are not eligible to be seen at SHC. UC SHIP coverage for these students will terminate at the end of the term and they will not be eligible to purchase voluntary UC SHIP coverage thereafter. 

There are certain situations for which exceptions are granted to non-registered students allowing them to receive services at SHC:

Students who are withdrawn, LOA, etc. are considered nonregistered. This group of individuals have 30 days, from the time they are considered nonregistered, to transition their care from Student Health Center to community providers.

  • Graduated students are eligible to be seen to the end of their current UC SHIP coverage.
  • Graduated students without UC SHIP will be eligible to be seen within current registered term. 

Faculty and staff are eligible for urgent medical services. Faculty and staff may also utilize SHC for limited pharmacy and dental services. Dependents of registered students are not eligible for services at SHC.

Students from Other UC Campuses

The Student Health Centers (SHC) at each University of California campus gladly offers reciprocal access to SHC services to currently registered students from all other UC campuses under the same conditions that apply to its own students who are not enrolled in its campus Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Students enrolled in their campus SHIP may receive special discounts, benefits or services at their home campus Student Health Center. These special, campus-funded arrangements will not apply at another UC campus. (Refer to UC Systemwide Reciprocity Guidelines)

Payment for Services

If you are a registered UC Irvine student, no payment is necessary at the time you are seen. Your student account will be billed. There is no processing fee for charges that are transferred to your campus student billing account. Visit Zot Account Online.

  • UC SHIP students: Your Zot Account will be charged for any office visit copays and/or coinsurance for which you are responsible after the insurance carrier pays its portion to SHC. This process may take up to 2-3 weeks following your date of service.
  • Non-SHIP students: Non-SHIP registered students are considered “Fee-for-Service”. Your Zot Account will be charged immediately for any charges that you incur related to your visit. SHC does not bill any insurance carrier other than SHIP. You may obtain an itemized billing statement online through the Student Health Patient Portal and submit a claim to your insurance carrier for potential reimbursement. Please contact your health insurance carrier as SHC cannot estimate the amount of reimbursement, if any, that your carrier will provide to you.
  • Non-Registered Students: Non-registered students (e.g., Extension students) do not have a campus billing account. Therefore, payment for services rendered are due at time of service and are paid at the SHC cashier window in the lobby immediately following your visit. Payment can be made by check or credit card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover/AMEX).
  • Faculty/Staff: Payment for services rendered are due at time of service and are paid at the SHC cashier window in the lobby. Payment can be made by check or credit card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover/AMEX). SHC does not bill 3rd party insurance plans for medical services with the exception of Pharmacy prescriptions.

Consent for Treatment and Acknowledgement of Patient Rights and Responsibilities

All students, prior to their initial appointment at the Student Health Center (SHC), must acknowledge that they have read and understand SHC's Patient Consent for Treatment and Acknowledgement of Rights and Responsibilities including financial responsibilities. You may acknowledge this document at the time of appointment self check-in at SHC or on the Wellness, Health & Counseling Services secure Student Health Patient Portal once an appointment has been scheduled. The Statement of Financial Responsibility provides additional information that you should read prior to your initial visit.

Financial Assistance for Students

For students experiencing financial hardship including the ability to pay for medical expenses, resources are available to you. Below are links to UCI and UCI Health resources as well as external organizations that may provide financial assistance and/or charitable care to students including assistance to help pay for medical expenses. 

Campus Medical Care Assistance Fund (CMCAF):

​The UC SHIP Reserve Fund Investment Committee (RFIC) granted funds to UC Irvine and the other UC campuses for distribution to students with a financial hardship, to assist the student in paying their out-of-pocket medical and/or mental health expenses that exceed $500 up to the in-network individual out-of-pocket maximum. All graduate and undergraduate students and dependents who are currently enrolled in UC SHIP, and enrolled for at least one term before the date of the medical and/or mental health service, are eligible. The date of service must be during the 2020-2021 plan year to the 2024-2025 plan year.

To be eligible, a student must have no outstanding financial balance with UCI on their campus ZOT account and they must first apply for charity care from the provider of service. For additional information and to submit an application, visit the UCI CMCAF webpage here

Campus Social Worker/"Campus Assist List" - Office of Associate Vice Chancellor/Wellness, Health & Counseling Services

UCI Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

ORION FUND - Grants for students in health crisis

UC Irvine Health - Financial Assistance for students who receive services as patients

Hoag Hospital - Financial Assistance/Charitable Care for students who receive services as patients