Clinical Laboratory


The mission of our Clinical Laboratory is to provide superior laboratory testing to support our clinicians' diagnoses through testing and analysis of patient specimens and to provide the highest level of customer service to our patients.

Hours of Operation

Student Health Center Laboratory is open during Student Health Center’s hours of operation. Please refer to Student Health Center’s Hours of Operation for the most up to date information.

Lab Tests That We Perform

The SHS laboratory performs many tests in-house, including basic hematology (complete blood counts), basic chemistry, basic cholesterol panel, Strep screen, Monospot (mononucleosis screen), Influenza screen, pregnancy testing, and urinalysis. Certain laboratory tests are sent to outside labs for processing (e.g., UCI Medical Center or other reference labs).

Self-Order, Self-Schedule Lab Tests

You can self-schedule an appointment for STI Screening tests, TB screening tests, and COVID-19 Symptomatic Testing by logging on to your Student Health Patient Portal. Follow the instructions under “Appointments”.

Fasting Instructions

Fasting is required prior to some laboratory tests. Your medical provider may instruct you to have fasting blood tests. Fasting means nothing to eat, drink (other than water), or chew (e.g., gum) for 12 hours prior to the test. Please keep yourself well hydrated with water prior to all blood tests. Routine medications may be taken with water. DO NOT FAST BEYOND 14 HOURS.

Outside Provider Lab Orders

If a non-Student Health Center provider has ordered lab tests for you, please submit your lab orders to Student Health Center first. Student Health Center Laboratory will process the test orders and you will then be contacted to visit the lab when your orders are ready. You may then return at a convenient time to have the blood drawn with minimal delay.

Lab Test Results

In accordance with the state and federal statutes, lab staff cannot disclose lab test results directly to you. However, lab results can be obtained from the medical provider or nurse who ordered the lab tests.  You may contact them accordingly.

Some test results such as T-Spot, Quantiferon Gold, and some titer tests (titer is a blood test that detects the presence of and measures the amount of antibodies within a person's blood) may be available to you on your Student Health Patient Portal  if they are ordered by a medical provider or nurse at the Student Health Center.

Home Specimen Collection Instructions

Laboratory Licensure and Accreditation

The laboratory is licensed by the State of California and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). We are accredited by COLA and by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).