Therapy Assisted Online (TAO)

Please note: The resources presented below are informational and are intended to serve as an aid in understanding the topics presented. These resources are not intended as a substitute for assistance from a qualified mental health professional.

What is TAO?

Therapy Assisted Online (TAO Self-Help) are tools and a platform built to meet student educational and skill development needs in the areas of well-being and behavioral health.  TAO Self-Help can be used when students need support and education for common issues, and to provide professionally guided help when the student’s problems require a higher level of care. TAO Self-Help can help increase access to resources, improve quality of life and well-being, help students overcome challenges, remove barriers impacting students’ lives, and reduce costs since this resource is FREE to UCI registered students!

Note to Campus Partners: The TAO program can also be tailored to provide resources to support the work that you do with UCI students and the campus community.  


  1. In your browser window, navigate to:
  2. Enter your First Name, Last Name and UCI email address.
  3. Create a password.
  4. Leave the 'Enrollment Key' field blank.
  5. Click 'Sign Me Up'.
  6. Check your email. You will be sent a Welcome to TAO email with a confirmation link which you must click on to sign in.
  7. First-time user of TAO? View this informational video:


Check Out This Video to Learn More About TAO Self-Help! 

Now, you have the freedom to explore the TAO modules at your leisure and when you have time in your schedule.

For more information regarding TAO Self-Help, please contact the UCI Counseling Center at 949-824-6457 or by email to:

Dr. Meladee Garst, Assistant Director/Director of Student Educational Programming and Outreach at