What is TAO?
Therapy Assisted Online (TAO Self-Help) are tools and a platform built to meet student educational and skill development needs in the areas of well-being and behavioral health. TAO Self-Help can be used when students need support and education for common issues, and to provide professionally guided help when the student’s problems require a higher level of care. TAO Self-Help can help increase access to resources, improve quality of life and well-being, help students overcome challenges, remove barriers impacting students’ lives, and reduce costs since this resource is FREE to UCI registered students!
Note to Campus Partners: The TAO program can also be tailored to provide resources to support the work that you do with UCI students and the campus community.
- In your browser window, navigate to: http://us.taoconnect.org/register
- Enter your First Name, Last Name and UCI email address.
- Create a password.
- Leave the 'Enrollment Key' field blank.
- Click 'Sign Me Up'.
- Check your email. You will be sent a Welcome to TAO email with a confirmation link which you must click on to sign in.
- First-time user of TAO? View this informational video: https://vimeo.com/501800465/29a3fb34d1
Check Out This Video to Learn More About TAO Self-Help!
Now, you have the freedom to explore the TAO modules at your leisure and when you have time in your schedule.
For more information regarding TAO Self-Help, please contact the UCI Counseling Center at 949-824-6457 or by email to:
Dr. Meladee Garst, Assistant Director/Director of Student Educational Programming and Outreach at garstm@uci.edu.