LiveHealth Online

UCI Student Health Center has partnered with UC SHIP, Anthem and LiveHealth Online (LHO) for online video conferencing appointments (telemedicine) with a physician when the UCI Student Health Center is closed or when you’re simply away from campus. LHO is available to all UCI registered students.

Your UC SHIP plan makes seeing a doctor easy when the Student Health Center is not available to you (e.g., when SHC is closed; when you’re away from campus, or if you need to speak with a doctor regarding an urgent condition and your schedule prevents you from scheduling an in-person appointment).

One of the primary reasons for offering LHO is to reduce unnecessary hospital emergency department and/or urgent care facility visits for certain conditions. With LHO, you have the ability to consult with board-certified medical professionals for things like the flu, common colds, and more, available through your phone, tablet or computer with internet access. LHO is not intended to become a substitute for ongoing primary care and/or behavioral health care provided by clinicians at the Student Health Center. Reminder: For students covered by UC SHIP, SHC is your designated primary care provider.


  • LiveHealth Online is available 24/7 including weekends and University holidays.
  • For LiveHealth Online UC SHIP coverage information, please see UC SHIP benefit plan booklet.

How to Access LiveHealth Online

Accessing LiveHealth Online is simple and easy:

  • Either go to LiveHealth Online or download the mobile app through Google Play or the App Store
  • Register using your UC SHIP Anthem ID number. If you waived UC SHIP, then simply register without selecting an insurance plan. 
    • ​For the question: "Do you have health insurance?" Select "Yes."
    • From the Health Plan drop-down, select "Anthem Blue Cross (CA)" only if you are covered by UC SHIP.
    • Enter your Subscriber ID.
    • Your Subscriber ID is found on your UC SHIP insurance card -- you can access this using the StudentHealth mobile app. Your subscriber ID will begin with the characters XDP.
    • For the question: "Are you the primary subscriber?" Select "Yes."
    • Click "Finish" and you will be directed to the UCI Student Health Center page for accessing LiveHealth Online sessions.
  • Access a doctor visit online.
  • Lastly, for the most effective coordination of your care, please select the option at the end of the LHO visit/session to send post-visit records to the UCI Student Health Center Health Information Department by fax: 949-824-3033 or email: .